पद का त्याग करना - pad ka tyag karna meaning in hindi

Suggested :
मुद्दी | prosecutor |
The public prosecutor denied the defence lawywers statement. | |
मानचित्रा | chart |
Eternal", the first incarnations of later international chart successes. | |
कचहरी करना | sit |
After the cells have been allowed to sit in hypotonic | |
देना | do |
Stranger Knights and Ladies do not | |
इतलाक | undoing |
This behaviour nearly proved her undoing |
pad ka tyag karna
अक्षरों की संख्या: 16 व्यंजन मात्रासहित ।
Transliterate in english :
pada kaa tyaaga karanaa
Related spellings : pad ka tyaag karana,pad ka tyag karana
Related spellings : pad ka tyaag karana,pad ka tyag karana
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